Becoming the husband God called me to be.

“Gary, thank you for being my Coach and guiding me in the Lord on how to love my wife and pursue her - emphasizing that she is my bride and I am to love just as we are to love the bride of Christ. Thank you for teaching me to build her up and show appreciation every day, and for your continual prayers and encouragement in our meetings. They have been special to me and are helping me become the husband God called me to be.”



Successful in our marriage.

I thank God for bringing you into our lives and appreciate the time you spent with my husband and me. Thank you for devoting the entire weekend to us and giving us the tools to be more successful in our marriage.

We are doing well. We’ve been walking for the past four or five days and using that time to talk about our day. It’s not only healthy for our bodies but it’s been great for our relationship. Thank you again for your love and sacrifice.”

Marriage Coaching Clients


Walking in fullness.

“Gary has been instrumental in helping me discover the areas of my walk that were severely lacking. He has walked me through daily steps that I can take to better who I am as a father and husband. I have appreciated his honest yet grace-filled teaching since the first time we met!”

Individual Coaching Client


Incredibly blessed.

Pre Marital coaching with Gary and Debi was great preparation for my wife and I as we entered into marriage. Gary and Debi created an environment where we knew we could be completely transparent. Transparency as a couple led to spiritual growth as we worked to extend grace to one another just as the Lord has done for us. 

Gary and Debi also provided us with great resources that told us more about each other. These resources gave me more information on my wife’s personality so that I can love and serve her better throughout our marriage. God used Gary and Debi to equip us as we began our journey of marriage, and we were incredibly blessed by them.”

Pre-marriage Coaching Client